Yesterday David and I went to Wal-Mart as we were coming out we saw this young man standing in front dressed up with fancy Army uniform, he had some coupon books that he was trying to sell for funds raising, so we stop and asked him a couple of questions and then proceeded to share with him the plan of Salvation, when we asked him if he was sure he would go to heaven when he died he said that wondered and thought about that a lot and did not know, so we showed him how he can know for sure by believing that Jesus died to paid the penalty for his sin and asking Him for the gift of Eternal life, it took a little while explaining it then we asked to him and if he wanted to to believe in Jesus and ask him for the gift of Salvation, he said Yes, so when we said lets pray he extended his hands to us and we all bowed our heads and lead him to our LORD.
It was one of those days when the Lord burdens us for the lost and would have some seeking and all ready to get saved, this was the case with this young man, His name is Micheal and he had a very long German name, he is 16 years old and wants to go into the Army so he could finish his collage degree, I can tell that he was poor, he had glasses on that were broke and kept together with tape. he was very polite and professional, well that young man made our day, and we went home rejoicing.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
My 1st Horse Back Ride In The Desert
Finally I did first horse back ride outside of our property and into the desert, Iris rode Pumpkin and I rode Virgil Kane the weather was beautiful, and the horses were excited, Virgil even trotted with me on his back, I
managed SOMEHOW to stay on him.
We even stopped at a garage sale and shopped. Iris taught me a lot about horses and gave horse back riding lessons, she saddled the horse for me and got him ready for the ride, it is so nice have someone that is always ready to go for a ride anytime I feel like getting on my horse. This is another one of my dreams coming true.

We even stopped at a garage sale and shopped. Iris taught me a lot about horses and gave horse back riding lessons, she saddled the horse for me and got him ready for the ride, it is so nice have someone that is always ready to go for a ride anytime I feel like getting on my horse. This is another one of my dreams coming true.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Greens, greens and more greens.
The weather is getting nice around here, the heat is pretty much gone and we even are having chilly nights too, our garden is perking up and just exploding with all kinds of greens like basil, mint, garlic, green onions, radishes, chard, kale, beats, and the grapevines are looking green and pretty. So I started cutting them back and drying the leafs to use for seasoning and make my special salt mix, I avoided going outside the past few months but now it is so nice I can stay out all day long, those pictures are some of the greens I picked this morning for drying, after they dry I grind them and mix them in the salt that we use for cooking.
I add lots of this mix to the garlic powder and use it to make our delicious homemade garlic bread.
My mother showed me how to do this, she grows all kinds of herbs and vegetables organically almost all year round, but that is only in San Diego, CA. and now she has so much she started selling them to some Middle Eastern stores close where she lives.
One of the biggest blessings about greens is that my children love eating them raw anytime of the day with meals, in fact we all like them a lot.
God is so good to us to create so many different kinds of greens for us to enjoy and be healthy,
every time I look at so much greens in my hands my heart swells with gladness and over flows with thankfulness to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the verse from the bible (All thing were made by HIM) comes to my mind right away.

I add lots of this mix to the garlic powder and use it to make our delicious homemade garlic bread.
My mother showed me how to do this, she grows all kinds of herbs and vegetables organically almost all year round, but that is only in San Diego, CA. and now she has so much she started selling them to some Middle Eastern stores close where she lives.
One of the biggest blessings about greens is that my children love eating them raw anytime of the day with meals, in fact we all like them a lot.
God is so good to us to create so many different kinds of greens for us to enjoy and be healthy,
every time I look at so much greens in my hands my heart swells with gladness and over flows with thankfulness to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the verse from the bible (All thing were made by HIM) comes to my mind right away.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Our Wedding Anniversary
Sep. 21st /2011 marked our nine years anniversary... we still fit in our wedding clothes!!!! I had to shed 4lb to be able to get into my dress, but David fit fine in his suit, he looked just as handsome and so attractive to me as he was when I saw him in his suit on our wedding day.
The first anniversary we put on our wedding clothes and went out to dinner, we had a blast, the second anniversary David got really sick with the flu, 3rd anniversary I had Nellie on Sep. 14 /2005 so I could not wear my dress, after that we had to move so many times I did not even know what box our wedding clothes wear in, finally we are settled here and so I did find the clothes and decided to dress up and go out, we had so much fun.

God has been so good to us even though we do not deserve to have family, children, shelter, Salvation, and more importantly HIS WORD the KJB, church family and so much more, HE still chooses to bless us faithfully and keep us together, there is only one reason why we are even is HIS MERCY AND GRACE.
It is really important for us to celebrate our wedding anniversary in a big way, we want to show our girls that marriage is one of the most wonderful creations of God and it is really a good thing that we are married, we want to show them a live picture of the day we both made our commitment to each other before God to stay together and be faithful, besides we want them to have those memories in their minds too so they can look forward and wait for their God's choice for them and have a wedding day and make it a very special one.
Nellie had so much fun, she was so exited and was looking in
in such an amazement at both of us,
then she wanted to wear my wedding dress so we made the deal that the next day was her day to wear it so she did.
Here is the story of our first anniversary,
We spent our first anniversary at a cabin near the Arrowhead Lake close to San Bernardino CA area, a sweet couple Mr. Kieth & Harriet Gregory own it and offered it to us to spend our Anniversary, they were customers at My hair salon in La-Mesa CA for a long time, that little A shaped cabin was such a lovely and cosy place it had a big fire place, steps that went up stair to the bed rooms and a couple of steps that went down to the dinning room and the kitchen area, it had everything in it that we needed to have a special and quite time, we really loved that little place and made sweet memories there, I think the Gregory's name it "end of Journey" or something close to that, it was surrounded by big huge pine trees, when the evening came we went out to eat at an authentic Italian restaurant in our wedding clothes that they recommended for us to have dinner, the waitress and every one was looking at us thinking we just got married, and they treated us very special, we ordered a pizza and antipasto salad, they made them so big we were shocked when they brought them to our table, every one was congratulating us and just was very nice and friendly.
There was a big fancy resort and little shops close by so after dinner we drove there and went for a walk, as we were walking in the front of the entrance we saw some people coming out of the resort, when they saw us they stopped and started clapping and congratulating us, as this was going on a fancy black car stopped in the middle of the circular drive way and the driver pulled out a music instrument that looked like a horn and started playing some fancy song, in no time there was at least 25 people standing around us all looking at us with smiles enjoying the music, (David and I were in a total shock looking at each other and loving every minute of it) and when the song was over they congratulated us and walked away, David and I still think that God orchestrated all that, we had no Idea when we went out that we were going to have such a memory that can only be read in a Cinderella like stories.
The second anniversary was very different, my dear Friends Harriet and Kieth offered us the cabin again and we did go up there but David got very sick the same day we drove up and had a nasty fever the whole night, we did stay for a couple of days, it was still a blessing to be at that cozy cabin, Kieth and Harriet were in their early 80s back then, He past away a while ago, I did share the Gospel with them both about 11 years ago, she was a devote Presbyterian and went to the same church most of her life, her eyes would water like she wanted to cry every time I talk to her about Jesus when I did her hair, nails, they came to my old church Light House Baptist Church a few times when I invited them to the Christmas and Easter and other big events when we had them, they did come to our wedding too and were so happy for us, and after David and I got married and we closed the salon then they used to come to our house in El-Cajon, she did look for my phone # and found it a couple of years ago through some one that knocked on her door from my old church trying to give her an invitation to visit Light House Baptist Church in San Diego, Ca and so she asked them for my info and someone called me from there and gave me her phone # and told me to call her, so I did and when I went to San Diego Ca about a year ago she invited me to visit her at her home, she was as sweet as ever, we had a wonderful time visiting and sharing our memories together at the salon, we had tea and cookies then we went down to her next door neighbor which used to be one of my customers at the salon her name was Margy Saddler and visited with her and her husband too.
Mr. Kieth & Harriett Gregory first started coming to the salon when I had just got pregnant with Iris, and that was 1996, that was about 15 years ago...woooooooooooow.
I was so glad to know that she had some family members staying with her and helping her out.
It was this wonderful couple at the salon when David walked in for a hair cut the first day I met him, I will be posting the whole story here to show how they had a part in us being married today.
The first anniversary we put on our wedding clothes and went out to dinner, we had a blast, the second anniversary David got really sick with the flu, 3rd anniversary I had Nellie on Sep. 14 /2005 so I could not wear my dress, after that we had to move so many times I did not even know what box our wedding clothes wear in, finally we are settled here and so I did find the clothes and decided to dress up and go out, we had so much fun.
God has been so good to us even though we do not deserve to have family, children, shelter, Salvation, and more importantly HIS WORD the KJB, church family and so much more, HE still chooses to bless us faithfully and keep us together, there is only one reason why we are even is HIS MERCY AND GRACE.
It is really important for us to celebrate our wedding anniversary in a big way, we want to show our girls that marriage is one of the most wonderful creations of God and it is really a good thing that we are married, we want to show them a live picture of the day we both made our commitment to each other before God to stay together and be faithful, besides we want them to have those memories in their minds too so they can look forward and wait for their God's choice for them and have a wedding day and make it a very special one.
Nellie had so much fun, she was so exited and was looking in
in such an amazement at both of us,
then she wanted to wear my wedding dress so we made the deal that the next day was her day to wear it so she did.
Here is the story of our first anniversary,
We spent our first anniversary at a cabin near the Arrowhead Lake close to San Bernardino CA area, a sweet couple Mr. Kieth & Harriet Gregory own it and offered it to us to spend our Anniversary, they were customers at My hair salon in La-Mesa CA for a long time, that little A shaped cabin was such a lovely and cosy place it had a big fire place, steps that went up stair to the bed rooms and a couple of steps that went down to the dinning room and the kitchen area, it had everything in it that we needed to have a special and quite time, we really loved that little place and made sweet memories there, I think the Gregory's name it "end of Journey" or something close to that, it was surrounded by big huge pine trees, when the evening came we went out to eat at an authentic Italian restaurant in our wedding clothes that they recommended for us to have dinner, the waitress and every one was looking at us thinking we just got married, and they treated us very special, we ordered a pizza and antipasto salad, they made them so big we were shocked when they brought them to our table, every one was congratulating us and just was very nice and friendly.
There was a big fancy resort and little shops close by so after dinner we drove there and went for a walk, as we were walking in the front of the entrance we saw some people coming out of the resort, when they saw us they stopped and started clapping and congratulating us, as this was going on a fancy black car stopped in the middle of the circular drive way and the driver pulled out a music instrument that looked like a horn and started playing some fancy song, in no time there was at least 25 people standing around us all looking at us with smiles enjoying the music, (David and I were in a total shock looking at each other and loving every minute of it) and when the song was over they congratulated us and walked away, David and I still think that God orchestrated all that, we had no Idea when we went out that we were going to have such a memory that can only be read in a Cinderella like stories.
The second anniversary was very different, my dear Friends Harriet and Kieth offered us the cabin again and we did go up there but David got very sick the same day we drove up and had a nasty fever the whole night, we did stay for a couple of days, it was still a blessing to be at that cozy cabin, Kieth and Harriet were in their early 80s back then, He past away a while ago, I did share the Gospel with them both about 11 years ago, she was a devote Presbyterian and went to the same church most of her life, her eyes would water like she wanted to cry every time I talk to her about Jesus when I did her hair, nails, they came to my old church Light House Baptist Church a few times when I invited them to the Christmas and Easter and other big events when we had them, they did come to our wedding too and were so happy for us, and after David and I got married and we closed the salon then they used to come to our house in El-Cajon, she did look for my phone # and found it a couple of years ago through some one that knocked on her door from my old church trying to give her an invitation to visit Light House Baptist Church in San Diego, Ca and so she asked them for my info and someone called me from there and gave me her phone # and told me to call her, so I did and when I went to San Diego Ca about a year ago she invited me to visit her at her home, she was as sweet as ever, we had a wonderful time visiting and sharing our memories together at the salon, we had tea and cookies then we went down to her next door neighbor which used to be one of my customers at the salon her name was Margy Saddler and visited with her and her husband too.
Mr. Kieth & Harriett Gregory first started coming to the salon when I had just got pregnant with Iris, and that was 1996, that was about 15 years ago...woooooooooooow.
I was so glad to know that she had some family members staying with her and helping her out.
It was this wonderful couple at the salon when David walked in for a hair cut the first day I met him, I will be posting the whole story here to show how they had a part in us being married today.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Our Pumpkin Patch
Some of the pictures below are from October 2010 we had so many pumpkins given to us, we carved and carved, we even gave many to our neighbors, we literally lined up half of our circular drive way and up the steps to our front door and we had a pile of them on our front porch. We saved a lot of the seeds, washed them, dried them and made doggy cookies using them. we had so much fun smashing some of the pumpkins for our goats, chickens, horses and our sweet pot belly pig T.T., so many of the seeds fell around in the yard so with a little of water they grow and grow.... now this is what we have pumpkins, pumpkins every where, so this fall if we want to get some pumpkins we just have to go to the pumpkin patch in our back yard pick and carve and may be even make some pumpkin pies for the Harvest Pot Providence at our church.
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