This is a picture of the flout that our church made for the 2011 Christmas parade in Payson AZ celebrating the 400 year anniversary of the beloved KING JAMES BIBLE, it is about 8' high by 6.5' wide and it is very heavy, when the parade was over there was no place to store it so they decided to take it a part,I was crushed when I heard that so David and I went to our pastor and asked him if we can take it home and put it in our front yard? he agreed then a couple of weeks later a brother from church brought it down on his truck and set up with David in our front yard, we see many people slow down and look at it as they drive by in front of our house.
We found some Christmas lights today and we put them the same way it is in this picture, it is lit tonight.
This is one of the reasons I love America, it is still legal to have our Bibles and not be afraid of showing the world our love for the WORD OF GOD.