I consider myself one blessed woman!!!!!!!!!! it is not because who I am or what I have done but because of GOD'S MERCY AND GRACE that I say this.
God blessed me with the privilege of being a mother with 2 wonderful girls here with me and 2 precious children that I never saw that are in heaven now and I will see them when I get there.
This past mother's day was a special day for me because I got to do just what brings me most joy in this life "prepare food and feast with my family and friends" so I made a Mexican food feast for lunch and Italian feast for dinner and in between David drove us to Salt River a place I enjoy going to close here to us, it was a beautiful day and what made it extra special was that I had my mother in law here, she is one of the most wonderful women I have ever met, she blesses me and the girls so much when she is around.
I still can not comprehend and probably never will until I meet my Savior the depth of His love for me, He blessed me with children and gave me the calling of being a mother to raise my girls to love and serve him and make a difference in eternity for his kingdom....what an amazing and sacred mission that I take very seriously, so my prayer today is that HE gives me the wisdom I need and guidance to prepare them for His service and to bring glory and honor to His holy name.
Walking down to the river
Nellie picked some grape fruits with Grandma
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