Mojave rattlesnake

It was about 10 pm last night when I got out to turn off the water from watering our citrus trees in the front of our house, as I was walking back I was looking at some squash plants I have planted to see if they got watered, I saw a stick like something in the dirt and as I shined the flash light at it, it sure was a snake about 2 feet long I backed up and examined it , it sure was a baby rattle snake, so I walked slowly and grabbed a little shovel that was about 20 feet a way and came and held that rattler down. Then David came out looking concerned about me so I told him what I was doing so he came and took care of it, we showed the girls how to recognise rattlesnakes and learn about them, after that we got all the information on the computer found out it was a Mojave rattlesnake and taught the girls how to deal with snake the safe way, it was a science lesson after 10pm!!!!!
We are going to print some rattlesnakes pictures for Nellie to color and talk to her some more about them as she colors, I believe the lesson about snakes Will stay with her for a very long time.
This was the forth snake we have seen so far this summer, I love to see the reaction on my children's faces as they see and learn about all kind GOD'S creations around us, well we made another memory for someday in the future when we can say to our kids hey do you remember..........that night, until the next snake I hope you have a nice summer.
We are going to print some rattlesnakes pictures for Nellie to color and talk to her some more about them as she colors, I believe the lesson about snakes Will stay with her for a very long time.
This was the forth snake we have seen so far this summer, I love to see the reaction on my children's faces as they see and learn about all kind GOD'S creations around us, well we made another memory for someday in the future when we can say to our kids hey do you remember..........that night, until the next snake I hope you have a nice summer.
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