Our basil story goes back to 2002 when a Korean friend of mine invited us to a Vietnamese restaurant after church one Sunday in San Diego CA, we tried a special kind of soup that is served there called "
Pho" which is made of Rice noodles in a beef or chicken broth and has wonderful seasoning, at the time of serving you get side dish filled with fresh Basil, lots of bean sprouts, Slices of lime and hot peppers. our friend showed us how to mix all those ingredients together the Vietnamese way and eat it with chop sticks, my husband fell in love with this soup called "
Pho" so it became one of our favorite things to do is to find every Vietnamese restaurant in the areas we moved to and try their
Pho to see which one is the best, after a while my husband in his kind and sweet way asked me if I could learn how to make
Pho so we can have it more often, so I did but every time I made it I had to run to many different store to find Basil and when I found it, it was so expensive I would stand back and just feel awful for paying up to $4 for a few leaves that were only enough for one serving, beside it was not fresh most of the time, see basil is what gives
Pho that special taste and makes it different than all other soups.
About a year and a half ago as I was shopping at Fresh and Easy store one day I saw they had Organic Basil plants that were weathered and dying marked very cheap I think it was 50 cents, I bought one and brought it home and nursed it to life a few days and planted it in the ground, that one plant grow so big and produced so many seeds and as some of these seeds fell to the ground GOD grew them into many many beautiful plants so now I have over 100 plants and more are coming up as I type, that first plant is still alive and producing more it looks like a little tree now.
here it is behind Nellie still filled with many many seeds.

A while ago we got to learn about Pesto, so with all the basil we have it was easy just to step out side and pick as much as we needed to make fresh pesto, we even made pesto pizza, we use basil in salads soups, and even on Garlic bread it is good, there are many health benefits to basil, I encourage you to grow it and use it at your home.
There was an article a few months ago about Pho on Yahoo saying that Pho has become the #1 best soup world wide, no kidding.....we do not believe much from Yahoo but this one we did.
The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof...Psalm 24:1
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